Friday, May 29, 2009

DAY 9 - May 29, 2009


Weight: 11st 6lb
Shoulders: 43.5"
Chest: 37"
Arms: L: 12.25" R: 12.25"
Waist: 31"
Hips: 42"
Thighs: L: 25.25"/20" R: 25.25"/19.5"
Calfs: L: 15" / R: 15"

So, still no great changes. My weight is down by a MASSIVE half a pound! And I've lost an inch on my waist - I must admit, I do think my little pot belly looks a bit flatter. No matter, I'm not deterred changes WILL happen.....I'm just battling against a stubborn, 48-year-old, hormonal body. Well, nobody's perfect! ;o)

Well, after yesterday's horror Day 9 was a walk in the park, namely back and abs, culminating in 160 (yes, you DID read that right) Swiss Ball ab curls. I reckon that in the last set my ROM was about 1"!

Not surprisingly, I'm already feeling some discomfort when I cough or laugh so the next couple of days should be interesting......and from the Day 8 epic my hamstrings feel about 2" long and my grip is shot - oh, the joys of training!

Mind you, I LOVE IT!

1 comment:

  1. Jo - just left a comment then realised you not been here for a while?

    Where you gone?
    PM me!
