Day 3 - Measurement Day - no changes at all so I won't bother typing them all again, however, there are photos today.....not pretty! Definitely room for improvement and, hopefully, improvement will be made.
I'm feeling rather battered and bruised.....I've never actually been thrown down a flight of stairs but I'm pretty sure I know how it feels!
Today's session beat the stuffing out of my quads* with 3 exercises of 4 sets at the rep ranges as used before - the last exercise was squat jumps! I used to really like Dax but you know how you can go off some people...... ;o)
Then there was a quite agreeable chest and back Super Set pairing of 4 sets of exercises each repeated 4 times the chest exercise being bench presses all the way through with various back exercises. I just felt numb by the end.
We finished off with a refreshing core workout which has left me unable to take a deep breath, sneeze, cough or laugh.
As you can probably gather I am moving rather slowly and carefully at the moment and I'm really looking forward to a soak in a lovely bubble bath the downer being that I will probably have to be winched out!
Oh the JOY of MIM Elite!
*Oh yes, I just wanted to explain that the gym I use (Peak Fitness in Woking) is on the first floor so entering is never a problem but after today's MIM Elite I had to come down the stairs backwards! OUCH!
Oh I'm REALLY regretting not doing it now. Drat.
I'm sure the Evil Genius would still add you to the group! Go on - you know you wanna!